Smart Move, SisterFriend.

(The Online Ministry Guide is on the way to your inbox.)


Get your personal roadmap for Online Ministry success!


If you’re ready to fast-track your Online Ministry, then you're going to want this...



Set yourself up for long-term success with the


Ready to skip the learning curve and master the basics of Online Ministry right out of the gate?

The Online Ministry Starter Kit was created especially with you in mind, as your step-by-step solution to conquer the basics of starting your Online Ministry.

Inside this one-of-a-kind Kit, you’ll get access to a simple blueprint with proven steps to follow to get your new Ministry off the ground - no more wasting time wondering if you're doing things right!

Get ready to step into the online space confidently...knowing your foundation is solid and you have what it takes to succeed!

YES! I'm Ready For This Next Step!

Let's Have A Come-To-Jesus Meeting, Shall We?

There is a new Online Ministry born every minute. Most of them flounder around for years without gaining any traction or having any real impact on people's lives.

That is...if they ever get off the ground in the first place.

Why is that? Because knowing where to start and how to lay a solid foundation for future growth is nearly impossible without a trusted plan to follow.

And a strong foundation is essential to a Ministry's stability.

Creating stability from the start is the secret to long-term success -- the kind of spirit-filled success that saves souls, heals the masses, and points the world to the true freedom and peace that is only found in Christ.

But if you scour the Internet and research on YouTube University, you'll quickly find two things:

  • There's limited information on how to actually get an Online Ministry up and going the right way.
  • Of that limited information, none of it's consistent.

It's all different! Which leaves women confused, unsure, and spinning their wheels trying to figure out "this online ministry stuff."

This wastes time and money. Not only that, many women get discouraged and quit altogether, leaving their dreams on the sidelines hoping to one day figure it out. Unfortunately, "one day" never comes.

Don't let this happen to you!

Knowing where to start doesn't have to be your biggest hurdle.

The Online Ministry Starter Kit has you covered!

"Oh the clarity and vision for me was worth every second...And honestly...the encouragement you speak into my heart about owning my ministry and calling just about brings me to tears. Such joy."

~ DEB DOHMEN SCHROEDER, Jesus Is My Hashtag ~

Simplify the WHOLE process of starting an Online Ministry with the Online Ministry Starter Kit!

Inside you'll explore:

  • Your Specific Area of Anointing. Explore your particular gifts and get clear on your Ministry focus so you can make the greatest impact!
  • The People You're Called to Serve. Use the proven method inside the Starter Kit to understand your assignment in this season with laser-sharp clarity so you can speak and minister to the exact needs and wants of the people you're called to serve.
  • Your Ministry Offer. Offering your people the right help, support, teaching, or encouragement in the right format will attract the right people to your Ministry! Narrow down exactly what your people want, how to create it, AND how to deliver it so you can start building your following and serving your people!
  • The Basics of Online Ministry Set Up. When it comes to setting up your email list and social media accounts - there are so many tiny steps involved mistakes you can make. No need to second guess every decision! Get the inside scoop on the “Online Ministry Trifecta™” inside your Starter Kit.

Get Started NOW, take the guesswork out of the process, and fast-track your road to Online Ministry success!


YES! I’m Ready For This Next Step!




And I want to be your personal cheerleader. . . for such a time as this.

A picture of Angelica Duncan smiling

Since starting out in the online space in 2012, my online ministry has grown by leaps and bounds year after year. Currently, I reach over 1 million women a month between my blog, social media platforms, and email list. That's a lot of women who have either attended my online Bible studies, are reading my articles + emails, or engaging with me on social media.

But I have to be perfectly honest with you, it didn't start out that way.

I floundered around trying to figure out exactly where God was calling me. I even ran from this whole online ministry thing for a few years because I just didn't want to be another cookie-cutter, sweet-baby-Jesus-in-a-manger type of ministry leader. I wanted to come with "the fire" -- genuinely and wholeheartedly.

Figuring out how to navigate this online space from a Spirit-filled place was quite the challenge. There were days (and nights) that I wanted to throw in the towel and just quit.

Oh! How I prayed to have my own personal cheerleader to help me maintain my focus, bring clarity, and encourage me to keep going -- somebody like a Naomi to Ruth or a Mordecai to Esther.

Sadly, that never happened, but I promised myself that once I figured out how online ministry works, that I'd make it my holy mission to help fellow women jumpstart their journey.

And that's exactly what my Online Ministry Starter Kit is all about.

No, I won't be showing you who your Boaz is or giving you instructions on how to approach the King to save the Jews from annihilation, but this is probably the next best thing: A roadmap to show you the foundational steps to getting started with your online ministry.

Are You Ready To Obey The Lord's Calling On Your Life?

Whether you already have an online ministry, you do ministry within the four walls of the church, or you’re just getting started, the Online Ministry Starter Kit will help you lay a solid foundation for your online ministry.

My heart’s desire is to help you get clear on the basics of creating and running your unique online ministry.

I cannot wait for you to launch yourself out into the direction of your calling - WITH CONFIDENCE - which is why I’m making this available to you starting at only $97 $27 (that's a savings of $70!)!

Because here’s what I know about women who are serious about their ministry and calling...when you pay, you pay attention. And the more attention you give to where the Holy Spirit is leading you, the more fulfillment you’ll have in all areas of your life.

Get the Online Ministry Starter Kit in your hands so you will have an unbreakable bedrock, launch out into the deep, and get into sync with your anointing, calling, and purpose for your online ministry!

"Let me tell you, there was NO comparison to the way you taught us!...I think I’ll stick to the method that I KNOW works!"

~ LADONNA HARRELL, Faith Family Miracles ~

Here's what you have to look forward to with the Online Ministry Starter Kit...

Link arms with me and uncover what’s possible!

Here's EVERYTHING included in the Online Ministry Starter Kit:

  • Video lessons + Corresponding Workbook to explore your specific area of anointing. You have been wired with a unique and peculiar anointing! Explore your particular gifts and get clear on your Ministry focus so you can make the greatest impact and stay in your God-given lane.
  • Video lessons + Corresponding Workbook to explore the people you're called to serve. There is a specific group of people with a specific set of challenges, just waiting for your teaching! Use my proven method to understand your assignment in this season with laser-sharp clarity so you can speak and minister to her specific wants and needs.
  • Video teachings + Corresponding Guides on the basics of Online Ministry. When it comes to setting up your email list, Facebook page, and Instagram account, there are so many tiny steps involved (and questions to be answered). No need to second guess your every decision! Get the inside scoop on the “Online Ministry Trifecta™” inside your Starter Kit.
  • Video Teachings + Corresponding Templates & Guides to help you plan out Your Offer. Offering your people the right help, support, teaching, or encouragement in the right format will attract the right people to your Ministry! Narrow down exactly what your people want, how to create it, AND how to deliver it so you can start building your following and serving your people!


Get Started NOW and skip the learning curve with the Online Ministry Starter Kit!




Take The Next Step With Me. . .

STEP 2: Get the Online Ministry Starter Kit.

A Special Note From Angelica...

"There's a confidence and boldness that comes with gaining laser-sharp clarity...it's unmistakable. It enables women to go far, wide, and deep with the Holy Spirit and wherever He leads them in their Online Ministries."
~ Angelica Duncan

SisterFriend, I truly believe this is a season for Christian women step up in the online space and walk in their Heavenly, Kingdom Influence.

Never before has the world so desperately needed the message of hope and healing for hurting hearts -- a message that only comes through Jesus Christ.

We live in a time where people have instant access to everything right in the palm of their hands...

...imagine them having instant access to the message God's been brewing in your belly and the ministry He's placed in your heart.

Oh, the transformation that can happen in their lives!

I've been working with women just like you for several years now. Women who know in their knowa the Lord's calling them to start online ministries, yet they need a strategy, support, and systems that will allow them to show up fully as the woman God's designed them to be, and at the same time honor their faith and families in a way that makes the all of Heaven smile.

Over the years these same women have grown their online ministry platforms with highly engaged social media pages and robust email lists. This has given them impact as Kingdom Influencers who glorify the Lord, spread the Gospel, and point people to Christ.

I believe you can do that, too, with your online ministry.

You just need a solid foundation. That bedrock will be the very thing that catapults you into the Kingdom Influence you were designed for.

As a Prophetic Strategist, Apostolic Instigator, and Kingdom Provocateur it's my job to agitate you to live fully in your God-Design. And if having a thriving online ministry that allows you to flow freely in your anointing, walk boldly in your calling so you have the courage to live fully in your God-Design speaks to your heart, then you're in the right place, SisterFriend!

I'd be honored to put the Online Ministry Starter Kit into your hands.

Isn't time to take that leap of faith, establish your foundation, and step into all God has for you?

If you're nodding your head with a "Yes!" -- Click the button below that says, "Angelica, I’m ready to lay a solid foundation for my online ministry so I can finally step into all God has for me!"

And I'll see you in my Online Ministry Starter Kit, SisterFriend.

The Online Ministry Starter Kit is your personal roadmap for your first steps to Online Ministry success!

No more figuring it out on your own.

Buy back your time, skip the learning curve, and learn from my successes (and mistakes!).

