I know it’s tempting to want to jump right into your goal setting, but I’ve gotta stop you before you do.
Why? Because there are some deeper questions you really need to ask yourself before you set your goals for 2022.
In today’s episode, I’m going through each one of these questions. And I think you’ll see the genius behind going deeper and answering them honestly.
Are you looking around wondering where has the year gone and not a single goal achieved to show for it?
Did you start off the year like American Pharoh in the Kentucky Derby only to fizzle out long before you reached the finish line?
Or perhaps you knocked out some goals and were #winning and then something crept up inside of you that has you looking like a deer in headlights now…
…if so then you need to grab my FREE Kingdom Woman’s Year-In-Review Guidebook
In it, you will get instant access to my personal, proprietary method of prepping for your best year ever.
Get your copy of my free guidebook by heading over to angelicaduncan.com/yearinreview
Three quick things…
1. Go ahead a hit that follow button so you’ll be in the know at the very moment new episodes of the Angelica Duncan show are released.
2. If you hear something that’s shareable or you know the perfect person who needs to hear that message or tip that I or one of my guests give. Then, please DO share it with them. God could be using you as a catalyst for change in their lives.
3. Head on over to angelicaduncan.com. There you can grab some spirit-building and ministry-building resources that I pinky-promise will serve you well.
I’m so delighted and honored you’re here with me!
This was a very inciteful podcast! Thank you for the questions to get us started on goal writing. I can’t wait to get started!
My pleasure! I’m glad you enjoyed the questions I gave you!
Thank you women of God for reminding me that I should asked myself these 5 question before setting my goals.
My pleasure! The gold is in the asking (and honestly answering).
Yes Angelica, goal setting is just what I needed to help me set up SMARTER goals not just 2022 goals. I took notes so thank you
SMARTER Goals for the win!
I’m so grateful for this podcast. I’m an A type woman so Reflection is not foreign to me. I can see I’ve gotten in the habit of writing down all my lessons and where I got off the path. However, this has helped me realize it’s not enough to just capture the lesson, but I need to put it to use to help me make good goals to catapult me forward. Thank you I can hardly wait for Saturday although I will have to leave early b/c I have a class to teach. I hope there will be a replay.
I’m so grateful for this podcast. I’m an A type woman so Reflection is not foreign to me. I can see I’ve gotten in the habit of writing down all my lessons and where I got off the path. However, this has helped me realize it’s not enough to just capture the lesson, but I need to put it to use to help me make good goals to catapult me forward. Thank you I can hardly wait for Saturday although I will have to leave early b/c I have a class to teach. I hope there will be a replay.
It’s what we do after we reflect that matters even more! #takeaction