So you know my Year-In-Review Guidebook that I keep telling you about and encouraging you to work through?
Well today, we’re going to actually work through it together.
Look, I get it. I know what it’s like to be an involved and active wife and mom. Sometimes, it can be a challenge to actually carve out time and space to do these kinds of things.
I want to encourage you that as you’re listening to this episode, feel free to pause it as you answer the questions and give yourself time to actually do the work. (No rushing allowed, okay?)
Grab your copy of my Year-In-Review Guidebook and let’s get started!
Are you looking around wondering where has the year gone and not a single goal achieved to show for it?
Did you start off the year like American Pharoh in the Kentucky Derby only to fizzle out long before you reached the finish line?
Or perhaps you knocked out some goals and were #winning and then something crept up inside of you that has you looking like a deer in headlights now…
…if so then you need to grab my FREE Kingdom Woman’s Year-In-Review Guidebook.
In it, you will get instant access to my personal, proprietary method of prepping for your best year ever.
Get your copy of my free guidebook by heading over to quick things…
1. Go ahead a hit that follow button so you’ll be in the know at the very moment new episodes of the Angelica Duncan show are released.
2. If you hear something that’s shareable or you know the perfect person who needs to hear that message or tip that I or one of my guests give. Then, please DO share it with them. God could be using you as a catalyst for change in their lives.
3. Head on over to There you can grab some spirit-building and ministry-building resources that I pinky-promise will serve you well.
I’m so delighted and honored you’re here with me!
I have a comment about the Daniel Fast or perhaps a question if you will. I was not able to get over to your FB page to see why it has been taken out of context. I read the passage for myself and it states not to give him any of the other foods but food of the earth. How can that be taken out of context? Why do you say the Daniel Fast does not exist? I am curious of finding out your answer. Thanks
Great question! It never says that he fasted. He was just sticking to his regular diet and did not want to defile himself. He did abstain from meant in Chapter 1, but that was likely because he could not determine the source of it.
You have to understand that the Hebrew diet was specific about which parts of the animal (and which animals) they were allowed to eat. The King’s Table likely had any and everything in terms of cuts of meat. The King wasn’t upholding Hebrew Law concerning food. So instead of trying to figure it out, Daniel decided to abstain from eating any meat.
It wasn’t a fast. It was simply a choice to abstain.
Biblical fasting is straightforward and simple:
1. No food, just water.
2. No food, no water.
And it lasts for a minimum of 24 hours. That’s how Daniel would’ve fasted had he chosen to. Since he didn’t do that, we can’t say he fasted and then call it a “Daniel Fast.”
The issue we oftentimes have is that we interject our modern customs, traditions, and understanding to scripture. I talk more about it on my FB Page. Here’s the replay!