If you’ve been listening to The Angelica Duncan Show for a while, then you know how much I emphasize growing an email list. It’s one of the online ministry assets you must have — and it’s actually the one I spend the most time paying attention to.
In today’s episode, I’m talking about my journey to 100,000 email subscribers. I actually hit this milestone on August 31, 2020. You may remember me celebrating this with our community that day!
Beyond me telling you about my strategy to get there, I’m also sharing with you my raw emotions, all the junk going on in my mind, and mostly sharing my heart with you.
Grab your journal and pen, get comfortable, sip your chai, and tune into today’s episode. I just know you’re going to enjoy every minute of it!
See the full show notes + transcripts with links to everything I mentioned in this episode here: angelicaduncan.com/24
Is there a message brewing in your belly or a ministry you know in your knowa the Lord’s calling you to build in the online space?
Are you ready to have the kind of Kingdom Influence that reaches the masses and places where your feet may never tread?
Then download my FREE Guide called The Kingdom Influencers Online Ministry Guide
In it, you will learn my top strategies for expanding your audience reach, growing an online following, and maintaining a thriving ministry platform.
Get this free guide now by heading over to angelicaduncan.com/guide
Three quick things…
- Go ahead a hit that subscribe button so you’ll be in the know at the very moment new episodes of the Angelica Duncan show are released
- If you hear something that’s shareable or you know the perfect person who needs to hear that message or tip that I or one of my guests give. Then, please DO share it with them. God could be using you as a catalyst for change in their lives.
- Head on over to angelicaduncan.com. There you can grab some spirit-building and ministry-building resources that I pinky-promise will serve you well.
I’m so delighted and honored you’re here with me!
Remember this…
…there’s only one way to live a spirit-filled life and build a Spirit-filled ministry and that’s to dance with the King Christ Jesu
Thank you for sharing your story, Angelica! While I was listening to this episode, I was thinking about my ministry, and the fact that I would be much further along had I not allowed so many things to get me off track. I’m getting myself back on track now, and moving forward with my assignment. Bless you, sister friend!
I remember watching this growth happen!! It was amazing to see how God used you and is continuing to use you in this online space.
Thank you for staying so down to earth and relatable to others. I think this is what speaks so highly of your ministry! I’m thankful to follow in your footsteps as you lead the way!
LaDonna | Faith Family and Miracles
Angelica thank you for allowing God to use you. This episode has been confirmation to me on so many different things. I’m so excited to be a part of Kingdom Influencers Inner Circle and connecting with such an amazing group of anointed women of purpose. I pray for your continued success as you connect hearts and souls around the world to our Heavenly Father.
thank you Angelica
That was truly inspirational. I have been struggling to know how I can start an online ministry, I know I have a great calling. I also know my calling, which is a huge milestone.
I discovered you by chance on Facebook, and I thank God for helping me by faith to click on the add. Am now in the inner circle, planning to quit my fulltime soon so I can concentrate on my calling.
You are God sent
I’m so glad you’re part of the community, Jane! 💕