Being able to build an online ministry is an absolute joy! (And a lot of hard work.)
In today’s episode, I’m going to talking about the 3 most common mistakes I see women make when building their online ministry (and how you can avoid them).
Plus I’m giving you some solid tips on where you should be laser-focused.
Grab your journal and pen, get comfortable, sip your chai, and tune into today’s episode. I just know you’re going to enjoy every minute of it!
Is there a message brewing in your belly or a ministry you know in your knowa the Lord’s calling you to build in the online space?
Are you ready to have the kind of Kingdom Influence that reaches the masses and places where your feet may never tread?
Then download my FREE Guide called The Kingdom Influencers Online Ministry Guide
In it, you will learn my top strategies for expanding your audience reach, growing an online following, and maintaining a thriving ministry platform.
Get this free guide now by heading over to
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- Go ahead a hit that subscribe button so you’ll be in the know at the very moment new episodes of the Angelica Duncan show are released
- If you hear something that’s shareable or you know the perfect person who needs to hear that message or tip that I or one of my guests give. Then, please DO share it with them. God could be using you as a catalyst for change in their lives.
- Head on over to There you can grab some spirit-building and ministry-building resources that I pinky-promise will serve you well.
I’m so delighted and honored you’re here with me!
Remember this…
…there’s only one way to live a spirit-filled life and build a Spirit-filled ministry and that’s to dance with the King Christ Jesus!
Thank you for giving this free, I have cancer and can’t afford things like I used to be able to,
Thank you loved this
Thank you for this. Really infor8and so so true. I’m enjoying every part of the blessings that you are blessing others with. Praise God Almighty
Thank you for willing to help others like myself to do the Kingdom Work that ABBA FATHER has called us to be and do!!!! Again Thank you so much!!!
Thank you so much!
You are so right about the audience..that little shift in focus makes all the difference for me. It has shifted the striving aspect from me trying to build a “business” to attract potential consumers….to PRAYING FOR the women i am called to minister to, and letting GOD build that platform- THROUGH me so that lives may be blessed … Listening to your show helps to remind me that there is a bigger work to be done, and that God is in control. I’m sincerely grateful for the Angelica Duncan Show!
I am guilty of all 3 mistakes. Well 2 since I’m not sure who my audience is right now. I plan to find out in the “Get Clear Bootcamp!”
I really loved this podcast as someone who is just starting off. I found this information very helpful. Thank you Angelica Duncan
I’m not sure whom my audience will be . I am hoping things will be more clear doing this course
Very informational! I am so glad Kristen decided to share her story with us. I am inspired.
Angelica, you are such a jewel in the body of Christ! I absolutely love listening to your podcast. This episode (and all the other episodes I’ve listened to so far) is so refreshing, and insightful. Thank you, thank you, thank you! God bless you sister-friend!
This episode gave me alot of clarity on what I needed to really focus on compared to what I thought I needed to focus on. You can definitely waste your time on branding & building a website & be focused on that but have no audience & no traffic to drive to the website!! Talk about a “lightbulb” moment!! Thank you Angelica! This episode was great & definitely got me back on track for sure!!
Thank you for reminding us how important it is to remember what our focus is to reach the audience that is in need of hearing from God not to get caught up in the outward presentation (our brand) God Promised he would draw all men unto him. Let us be clear on what direction God is leading us to and he will take care of the rest.
I am grateful for the opportunity to have this experience to learn and ministry with someone committed like yourself to helping us step into it.
I definitely agree that I have spent too much time focusing on website building.
Thank you so much Angelica. I have made these mistakes. I am in Kingdom Influencers and I started Instagram. I am growing my audience. I love this community.
Good good information I like that you started with things you shouldn’t do or get caught up in get your message out there!
Thank you for your genuine spirit. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and showing women how to be successful for our on-line ministry. I enjoy your podcast you have a soft anointing voice which is easier to understand. Be blessed!!
Awesome information. I have been caught up in two of these- stressing over a website, and branding. By listening to this, I sighed a big “wooosah”. Thanks for the information and I look forward to gaining more insight through further podcasts and other encounters
So thankful to Jesus for the direction God is calling women to that are hungry and thirsty for serving in ministry. Am sure this is where am to be learning from right now.
Angelica, whew, thank you, thank you for this. To answer the question you asked, which mistake i am currently making?, I have to say, so far, my focus is building my audience, i have not focused on branding or website as of yet. I think i am on the right track🙏🙌.
Great Tips!!!! I took notes and it made me really think, who is my audience?
Oooooweee this was some awesome information I am guilty of a little of each but I am awake now, thank you Angelica I am awake now and ready to move forward in this ministry.
I really enjoyed the podcast. It was very informative and helpful! I hear a lot about branding from business owners so it was interesting to hear your perspective on it. I have always worried most about that so it was refreshing to find that it is not. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
So excited about this Boot Camp. I went to another city to retreat.
I love the message in this episode. I have signed up for the Get Ready Bootcamp! I am so excited to finally “get clear” and get about my Father’s business. I have attended other programs and bible studies hosted by Angelica in the past. She always goes above and beyond my expectations. I’m blessed to have found her online ministry.
I’m really excited for the get clear boot camp and there are lots of things in this podcast that were useful and encouraging! Thank you for being so open and honest about what it’s like and also not having a business or market mindset, but having a ministry mindset. To not have to worry about everything being perfect and everything being marketable is where I’m at. If things get bigger maybe I’ll hire someone LOL but for now I just want to minister to people.
I am looking forward to the boot camp. I must admit, I have made all three mistakes, looking forward to learning how to correct my mistakes.
I must admit that I have made all three mistakes. Looking forward to the boot camp and learning how to correct my mistakes.
Thank for this clarity. I know exactly what I need to do now. Build my audience…too much time on branding and website. Thank you
Thank you. This was very informative and I now know where I’ve missed it. #3 is HUGE!
Thank you! This was very helpful. #3 is HUGE for me.
I’m excited about the Boot Camp. It is an amazing opportunity to Glorify God. Thank you Angelica for being committed! ~ VH
Well, I’ve got stuck with the 3 mistakes. I spent a lot of time on branding, a website, and neglected FB, IG, and emails. This information is life-changing for me and thank you for making it clear. I never finished the website nor the branding. So now, I know I need to build an audience. Whoowhooo!
This is sooo good! I have gotten hung-up on building a website. I was too focused on that, and I don’t know what I’m doing, so it became anything BUT a blessing. Now I’m focusing on connecting and building relationships! Connecting to hearts…amen! Thank you, Angelica!
Trying to get clarity
This was good. I can certainly relate to the delays due to rebranding and website designs. I am looking to make changes and move forward.
Thanks* for sharing!!!
These are great tips!! Thanks for sharing!!!
You got me! I am stuck on these – all 3 of them! So glad I found you right as I was getting started. I have put all of these on hold while I attend your Bootcamp and become more laser focused on what I am doing. I am committed to my ministry and making it something of value for others. Already taking notes!
I’m in the midst of figuring out exactly what it is that He’s calling me to do, I know there’s growth to come, but currently I’m still trying to figure out which seeds he’s asking me to plant as I feel Him in a few different areas. Thank you so much for the insight, and I am so looking forward to joining you and the other ladies in Thai upcoming Bootcamp and am praying for my clarity by the end of the week!
Listening to the podcast was beneficial as i heard the thought process and concerns of someone currently working to grow their ministry while being authentic and true. What was most meaningful to me was the idea that in planning your content, you are actually stewarding the message God has provided.
Thank you for this podcast. It is very helpful information. The mistake I have made in my online ministry is ignoring building an audience. I am ready to be laser-sharp clear on my online ministry.
Yep!!!! I’ve been spending too much time on branding because I’m a content creator!!! I’ve been filling out the guidebook and it’s very detailed but easy to follow!! It really makes you start putting on your blinders to begin the journey of laser focusing for your ministry! Thank you so much!
Very informative & clear. The mistakes are eye opening. This is about to be an exciting week!
Wow, this was a great podcast and I would definitely have to say that branding could be my down fall because I tend to be a perfectionist and feel that everything has to be perfect. After listening to this podcast it has made me aware of my mistake before hand but it also reminds me of the scripture where God says not by power or might but by his holy spirit. This has encouraged me to just be myself and do what GOD had called me to do. As long as I operate by his spirit, the rest will follow. I a excited and look forward to my future online ministry. Thank you for sharing ☺️
This message was superb. I’m guilty of all three mistakes. However, the third one – not build an audience and email list – is an ongoing problem. I know I need help with that. That’s one reason I’m so excited about the upcoming bootcamp!
Angelica, this was such great information. KEY points. How I wish I had this information when I got started. Focusing on things that are not key things in the beginning sure does make a person that is a perfectionist procrastinate in getting to the heart of what online ministry is about. Know who your people are and talk to them.
Thank you again SisterFriend
Simple tips, and so full of wisdom! Thank you!
I’m the branding overachiever! Thank you for putting things back into focus
Amazing! These mistakes are so key and I think I have made them all. I am looking forward to getting more focus in what and where I need to be.
Thanks you!
This was a huge wakeup call for me as I have spent a great deal of time on 2 of these mistakes! It is awesome to hear this approach for online ministry since the traditional business advice has been to get the aesthetics perfect. You are so right that in ministry we should be focused on appealing to the heart and not the flesh. Loved this message! Thank you so very much.
Enjoyed these very useful tips ❤️
Thank you for sharing! Such a worthwhile and valuable message regarding on-line ministry. It definitely helps to avoid common pitfalls.
I really appreciated your perspective on Branding.. in that Branding appeals more to the flesh and visual aspect of an/my audience, not so much piercing through their hearts, soul and spirits!! So Great!! Soo look forward to this Bootcamp starting tonight!! -Mi 🙂
I have to say the one thing that screams out is #3. I don’t really obsess over the website and I’ve settled on interim branding, but uh..building an audience…welll! You mean if I build it, they don’t just come!!!! LOL! I have registered for the GetClearBootCamp! I need help! Thank you SisterFriend!
Awesome podcast! I’m just getting started in online ministry with this bootcamp! I’m excited that I have things to avoid to start with! Looking forward to knowing more! Thank you!
i so APPRECIATE YOU. i focused on serving years ago whereas i was ministering online. i build an audience and got side track with trying to brand and get website..this caused me to lose focus.. WOW.. now i have to jump back in to build again. thank u for GET CLEAR BOOTCAMP
You nailed it on the 3 mistakes we made for online ministry. The biggest mistake i make is my audience. I need to build my audience and serve my audience. I got aha moment while listening to this podcast. Thank you, I am excited to be a part of the challenge. Thank you 😊
This information is valuable and in these few short minutes have saved me from spending quite a lot of time, energy and money on items that are not a real focus point right now, i.e. branding and buidling a website. My laser focus will be on buidling my audience and my community!
Oh my goodness! So much I could comment on! How about the crux of the message being “keep the main thing the main thing!” meaning yes, it’s great to have an amazing website and branding but our main focus needs to be the people we minister to. I can get caught up in details and perfectionism so this was good. And like you said, if we have a great website and there’s no audience, what good is it going to do us?
I already know of 3 friends who can benefit from your info, so I will pass this on to them. I’m working on building my audience. So glad to know I’m on the right track. Looking forward to more clarity in your Bootcamp.
I really learned a lot today on the first day of Bootcamp. Looking forward to the rest of the week
Love these tips!! Thank you!!
Great information! Thank you for sharing your expertise. I’m so excited about the Bootcamp!
This podcast was great because I can already tell that you’ve helped me avoid some pitfalls right from the start. What one thinks is the beginning may not necessarily be the beginning. Thank you for blazing a trail and for sharing the map God bless!
This was great and yes yes yes this is where i am right now . So im super excited for what im going to learn in get clear bootcamp!
This podcast was great, it helped me to recognize the three common mistakes that women make in starting an online ministry. Now I know what is most important and where my focus should be. Thank you Angelica for helping us get clear and put first things first!
It is the “audience/ online traffic” concept which I need assistance. I have to be strategic. Thank you for your willingness to be transparent so others may be transformational leaders.
I enjoyed the info & I’m not grappling with either of the 3 common mistakes. I’m new to everything. I think I’m called to do various things when I look over my life, teaching, encouraging, disciple making. The one experience that keeps coming in my mind the most is how I’ve dealt with the 5 suicides in my life from 1986, 1995 & 2018. My dad, husband, son & 2 nephews all took their life. I’ve had other struggles like domestic violence, etc but I was asked to write a book to help others survive back in the 90s when I lost my son in ’95 as that one was unbearably hard. I was then asked to be an advocate for survivors of suicide & to help open up another counseling center but couldn’t do either, I was in too much pain & grief. In recent years I’ve felt strong enough & feel a need to give comfort & hope to other survivors & since the pandemic while suicide is up I’m feeling this is the time to help lead right hearted ones to God & His Kingdom. This is kinda scary for me but I’ve never let fear defeat me. Thank u & stay Blessed in God’s grace.
I learned at lot this was so beneficial for me.
So much Great content in this podcast! Thank you for sharing the 3 mistakes. The thing that has me stumped (besides a bit of fear) is knowing what content to share and how to hold my audiences attention. I So Appreciate You Sisterfriend Angelica Duncan!
I love love love all you said (and your energy). I’m super excited about the bootcamp! God bless you
This is wonderful information. Thank you so much for your time!
Thank you for aiding us into the online ministry we were called too.
Another great treat! Thank you Angelica…..God bless
This was awesome. Set me free. I was wrapped up in all 3 mistakes and decided by listening to this podcast that I will focus on building an audience.
I’m so glad the episode blessed you, Cherri! Keep us posted on how the audience building goes!
Thank you so much Angelica for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you in this way. These tips are so great to help us from the pit falls of being humans and perfectionists, it would help us to really focus on what our gifting is for our online ministry.
Not focusing on my ministry audience. This help me so much . God Blessed you .
I must remind myself not to focus too much on branding and a website, and not focus on the MAIN THING which is your message. Without a message, we can’t have an impact on the person. This is a great thing to know. Getting clear on who your audience will be what builds your connection with other. Thank you for sharing this valuable information. What good is all of your content if no one sees it. Lol. Wow! Wow! Wow! This is a message everyone needs to hear.
I’m so glad you found it useful, Adrienne! Can’t wait to see how God uses you in your ministry! 💕
Thank you so much for that type to not focus so much on branding! I spent so much time and effort “branding” and never did anything with it!
Take the next step, LeShaunda! Execute what you’ve learned! Keep us posted – we want to cheer you on!
Blessings! Tip #1 is all I needed to hear to know I’m in the right place. I remember telling a close friend I couldn’t launch because I didn’t have branding photos. She corrected me quickly and I received the rebuke. Needless to say I launched without #1 or #2.
I needed it because i dealt with perfection and performance based love from childhood.
I’m happily delivered, now!😁 The audience is small but delivering the message and building community matters first for me.
Yes! Just take the next step. You can make it pretty later! So glad you are moving forward.
Angelica is really on point here! Let’s get started today!
Thank you, Angela!
From experience, I’ve made some of these mistakes and they have held me back. No more though. I am listening!!!
So glad you’re listening because God is speaking to YOU, SisterFriend! I’ve loved watching you grow and can’t wait to see where God takes your ministry in the coming year.
I love, love, love this podcast! Queen Angelica is anointed for this. I always leave with a mind and heart shift and greater confirmation of my own and anointing & calling after I listen.
With this podcast, the biggest mistake I made starting out was not building my ministry trifecta. I had plenty of likes on Facebook but they weren’t building my email list. Angelica‘s Kingdom Influencers Inner Circle program has helped so much with that and more. Thank you for all that you do!
My pleasure, Karin! So glad the podcast is blessing you. So excited to link arms with you and further the Kingdom!
Oh My Goodness…. What an eye-opener! I saw I was a 3-striker! My presence in the online space has absolutely been paralyzed by thinking I need to get that everything right first in order to “serve the Lord in excellence”! Wow! Never thinking I wasn’t fully serving because I was focused on what you painfully pointed out in Mistake #1. So glad I listened to this podcast. And if this is an indication of what the Bootcamp and War Room will be like…again OH MY GOODNESS!