We are living in a time where the conditions are ripe for starting an online ministry.
Never has there been a time when the entire global ecosystem is now virtual. Meaning, there are more people doing life (shopping, learning, doing business, going to church, etc.) in the online space than ever before.
What that means for you, as a Ministry Leader, is the harvest is plentiful for people seeking “something” — that being Jesus, even if they don’t know it yet.
In today’s episode, I’m discussing why I believe this is the perfect opportunity to start an online ministry.
Grab your journal and pen, get comfortable, sip your chai, and tune into today’s episode. I just know you’re going to enjoy every minute of it!
Is there a message brewing in your belly or a ministry you know in your knowa the Lord’s calling you to build in the online space?
Are you ready to have the kind of Kingdom Influence that reaches the masses and places where your feet may never tread?
Then download my FREE Guide called The Kingdom Influencers Online Ministry Guide
In it, you will learn my top strategies for expanding your audience reach, growing an online following, and maintaining a thriving ministry platform.
Get this free guide now by heading over to angelicaduncan.com/guide
Three quick things…
- Go ahead a hit that subscribe button so you’ll be in the know at the very moment new episodes of the Angelica Duncan show are released
- If you hear something that’s shareable or you know the perfect person who needs to hear that message or tip that I or one of my guests give. Then, please DO share it with them. God could be using you as a catalyst for change in their lives.
- Head on over to angelicaduncan.com. There you can grab some spirit-building and ministry-building resources that I pinky-promise will serve you well.
I’m so delighted and honored you’re here with me!
Remember this…
…there’s only one way to live a spirit-filled life and build a Spirit-filled ministry and that’s to dance with the King Christ Jesus!
I have opened up many YouTube Clips and Podcasts and
I find so often that I do not get far before I switch, since the content does nit Warrenty my valuable time, however, when I opened this podcast from Angelica Duncan, I listened right to the very last word. I found it
Engaging and authentically sincere; a quality that e-messages can very often lack. Well done!
Thanks again for this podcast. The shifting is taking place in the online space. I excited too. New wine. Amen!
Ugh…I am a mess. My life is a mess. But I keep being drawn to your messages, Angelica. There is something here for me….
If you want to flourish in your relationship with Christ, Angelica provides real life tools that are essential to the be, do and have in God. Agreed, #TheHarvestWantsJesus and now is the time to align with what we are called to do for the Kingdom.
I have always felt that God has me here for a purpose! But I have been so afraid of failing! Thank you for your emails and podcasts! Keeping me encouraged!
HI Angelica,
I opened this to listen and saw that it was going to be 50 minutes and did not want to miss your session tonight. I plan to listen to it..and I have listened …up to ….how to take notes for the introductory course they you made available to me..will be making time to listen before October 23, 2020..
I’m excited and always continuing to look forward to dancing with the King and with you equipping me for greatness in striving to have a great ministry🙂
I am listening. Trying to hear God every day.
Great podcast!
I am building my ministry that I have held in my belly for quite some time. I have held on to so many things that the devil has been trying to use against me, so that I continue prolonging my business. There are always the little voices in the back of my mind ¨What if?!” this, or Ẅhat if?!”that… I just really need guidance, and stability, and empowerment.
Thank you sister for confirmation I thought I could just sit in the back and just continue pray for God’s people 🙏🙌.So thank you for put me in the front center.
Following the instructions of God
This message inspired me greatly. I’m 53 and wasn’t born in 1975-1995 but I’m a born again Christian and believe in the blood of Jesus Christ. I’m praying about an online ministry and would love to join the Inner Circle.
Wow I am so ready to step into God’s calling
I will be joining you, in your next session.
I enjoyed listening to this insightful podcast. I do agree that people need Jesus not titles but I truly believe God is calling me beyond the four walls. I serve on the Women’s Ministry at my local church and God has truly stretched me in this capacity in serving His people, but frankly people are hurting, and need answers on how to breakthrough generational strongholds and empowerment and equipping them as they give their lives to Christ. I’m tired of the traditions of man and seeking more from God. Thank you for sharing your podcast. God bless you and your ministry. I was born in 1973 so not sure if this mentorship fits women in my age group but I’m interested in learning more about your inner circle. I can relate in not quite fitting in. God bless you!
Sister Girl,
Thank you so much for sharing this message….I had a great time listening in this evening…so excited to hear more and grow my ministry
I saw this back in October 2020 but, I wasn’t able to chime in but how crazy but powerful and relevant your message is today…January 12, 2021
WOW..what you were talking then is so relevant now….WOW
The time is NOW!!!
Yes I agree there is a shifting in progress and those of us that are of the household of faith must observe where the Spirit is moving and follow. God gave me this Word the last Sunday of 2020…Joshua 3…: “When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, who are Levites, carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before. Looking forward to your training. I have been stirred to do online ministry, but I really have no idea how to do it effectively. One thing…I use DrCarrie because my peeps had a conniption when I tried to drop the signifier. But truly, I’m just Carrie! So I took the space out between to kind-of make it less formal. Thank you for yielded spirit and heart to serve! Bless you Woman Of God!
thank you for the second push
I have that in me completely. My story since birth has me amazed at the proof of God in every way! I have a story to tell and want his love for us to shine throughout this whole world! Xoxo
Now is the perfect time for me because im tired of sitting idle in my fears when the Lords harvest is plentiful.. we all as children of God have to suit up and get out on the front lines and be ready to give it all for the Kingdom. Satan is in full effect in his agenda and as an ambassador of heaven im not supposed to be on the sidelines.. your show is further confirmation of the wake up call the most high is sending out to his people and its time i answer the call!!
Awesome information! Thank you for sharing. The harvest is plenty and the laborers are few. I’m ready for the revival!
I was born in 1974 but I truly believe now even more now than ever that it’s my time to start my online ministry. I wasn’t aware of my purpose until a few years back & even when God made it very clear to me what I was supposed to be doing, I still operated in fear; fear of the unknown; fear of not being able to fulfill my purpose; fear that i would not attract whom I am supposed to. I had to let go of fear & trust God & trust the process & I started by joining your community to get the tools I need to get direction & to start. I am ready to establish the dwelling place for God to dwell!! Let the revival begin🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 This was good & very informative Angelica. Thank you💜
This has stirred me up and I’m looking forward to being in the inner circle. This message has stored my heart to continue to reach souls in the way God wants his people to hear his word.
All I can say is wow! This episode is full of so much wisdom, and insight. Timing is so crucial when it comes to the things of God. Now is the time to diligently move forward with our divine assignment. There is sooo much happening in our world, and God has been speaking through all of it! My Apostle teaches us that true ministry happens outside of the four walls of the church; it’s really not in-house. For me, there’s no more stalling. I’m moving forward now!! God bless you, Angelica! You were speaking to me in this episode!
Like Esther, I know at 65 that I was born for such a time as this. Things were even clearer to me that only a woman, a Widow like me can speak for and minister to them- not a man. I always knew that my calling was to be Outside the 4 walls. Not all Widows are saved and many are in the nursing home. Widows are no longer “old ladies” and they still have a calling to fulfill and legacy to create. This podcast fanned the flames in me. Laborers are few but I pray to the Lord Of the Harvest that He will send me a Generation X femle ” Destiny Helper” . Getting clearer.
I love it. I need to be more patient with myself. I am grateful for being a part of Kingdom Influencers. I love this community. I will definitely move forward. God will continue to help me with my ministry. Thank you.
Your podcast is very encouraging. Sometimes I found myself in a low spirit, but your podcast uplifts me. You speak truth in love, but with power. Thank you for your inspiration.
I have been saying the same things… Everything had to shift because of the pandemic. We had to be willing to monitor and adjust to this new norm. God allowed me to move into this platform,but I want to continue to build on the foundation so that the ministry that God has entrusted me with will continue to assist the Kingdom. Thanks so much for lighting a fire in me and others to create an authentic online ministry. This was so good.
The knowledge that is shared is appreciated. One the knowledge of the 7 seven mountains(my homework) two getting ready for the online revival.
Being positioned. Thanks you!!!
This message dropped at my doorstep it seems like I go from neutral, to drive, to park, and stay stuck because of being so focused on taking care of everyone but myself it’s time to do what thus says the Lord.
Want to know why NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME to start your online ministry? This is the perfect time. God has been pulling on me to help women to move forward. I didn’t know how to do this. I couldn’t believe how God worked it out, to bring in Sister friend Angelica at a time like this. Wow. I am excited about the move of God.
Very thought provoking points, I especially enjoyed the points about the 7 mountains of influence and how church does not need to be limited to just the church house, let’s not box God in, people can be saved, healed and delivered via online too! I enjoyed this episode a lot.
Evidence! I just felt led to read the Book of Acts a month or so ago and I was drawn in by the numbers. I so, feel the time is now to win souls! I am so in awe of how God connects the dots. Amazing! I am an Influencer. I have so much to learn, but I’m here for the downloads and uploads. Thank you.
Ready to niche down and intentionally walk in my purpose. Because The Holy Spirit keeps leading me back to Kingdom business vs everything I have going on!!!
Giiiiiirrrrrlllllll I was shouting in my home! She said “A move of the Holy Ghost can happen over the internet and it’s coming. Mark my words!”
Yes. I feel and believe that and am 100% in agreement. During the pandemic is when God revealed to me… out of nowhere, in the shower, like a freight train, it hit me!!! All of my life flashed before my eyes and The Lord gave me a picture of what my calling is. It is in the online space. This came at the perfect time because I have NO idea whatsoever what I am doing!!! Lol!
I have listened to this podcast several times. It is a reminder for me that what I am doing is something that IS needed in our world right now. As my church has shut its doors, there is a gap left open within this community and others for online ministry. Thank you so much for this encouragement!
Thank you so much for this! Each time I listen I am being motivated even more with where God is leading me!
I’m grateful for the content. I’m forced to look at myself and face the things that I’ve been doing wrong and now really concentrate on the things I need to do. No more wasted time.
I love your messages!! Thank you! I fasted and prayed for 3 mos Nov-Jan and I’ve never felt closer to God than I do now!!! I do believe a big spiritual awakening is coming and I want to be ready to be used by God to bind up the broken hearted!!! Now is the perfect time to grow my ministry!! So excited!!!
So encouraging! The world is groaning in expectation of the manifestation of the sons of God!!
Thank you for this platform
Glory to God! First of all…pulpit/preacher/people! In 1995, when I began my relationship with Jesus; the first thing I wanted to do was go to Theology school. I knew I was called. But God said, “No”. He went on to tell me that what He called me to do didn’t need a degree and then He took me to Acts 4:13, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus ” (NKJV). Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not knocking education. I’ve long grown tired of the “old way”. Thank you for confirming the “new way “. The world is waiting for my online ministry.
Amazing! It’s like you peeked into my life. I’m one of those individuals who never fit into my generation and has spent years teaching millenials and genXers how to use technology from the early days of the home computer (Commodore 64, etc.). I could never understand why those in my generation and faith community could not see the potential of technology to reach people for Christ! I’m on fire!!! I’m a baby boomer with great grandchildren who never fit in with my chronological/generational peers — and still don’t. LOL But now I know why.
Thanks Angelica for sharing the revelation. You confirmed what Holy Spirit has been sharing with me for a long time. 😀
Wow, yes! I can see that revival happen on the online space for sure! Everyone wants a platform online at the moment.. but we need to give God the glory, and many people just want to glorify themselves. Lord help us to glorify you 🙏🏻🙏🏻 we must become less He must become more. Listening to you Angelica is so refreshing, like living water. You don’t charm or tickle ears, which I love! Yes, NEW WINE! DON’T BOX GOD IN!
The time is now for me
Very inspirational podcast! The harvest is plentiful! I have allowed distractions of all sorts to keep me from focusing on the work that I have been led to do. The time is now to do what God has called me to do!
This was great because I saw the signs coming to start but my confidence was lacking. I doubted God could use me online. I’m SO glad I joined this bootcamp. Needed to hear this!!!
“Talking to my dog won’t change anything” was a huge nugget for me!! Really informative and loved the topic!!!❤️
I thought it was really eye opening when you said the bride has always been the church but yet a woman!! That was good food, and I mean the whole podcast! -Thanks, Mi.. 🙂
Yes! The time is now! Not only is it bc of God’s calling but bc of how the world is being affected with this crazy pandemic and tech world we live in! Thank you!
Good word!! People are becoming hungry for Jesus and they don’t even know it!!!
The things you talked about in this podcast are so timely and so on point. I can relate to so many things you talked about because I am a woman born in 1979. There are a lot of things that have been shifting in the spiritual realm since 1979. This was a powerful and insightful message. Thank you.
I have commented here before, but listened again and as the Great Teacher does, Spirit peeled off another layer. God has highlighted the message to dig a little deeper. Now I will be looking at online ministry with new eyes, knowing that I didn’t fit in my generations on purpose and am now being released in this season! Thank you again Angelica! So thought-provoking! Looking forward to more clarity through the Kingdom Influencers Inner Circle and Get Clear Bootcamp!
Great reasons! I am a firm believer that timing is everything. I want to have great influence. Getting ready for what God has for me!
This is the best time to reflect, re-examine, and release what God has given me to do. Thank you.
My God is so Awesome!!! 🤗This is truly an on time Word from God!!! I am so excited and grateful to God for connecting me to your ministry!!! God led me to connect with you on March 12, 2021 and my God I am about to explode!!! I was born in 1970 and so much of what you shared relates to me and truly spoke to my heart!!! (Smiling)🤗 Don’t count out the 1970 misfits (smiling) because we are ready, willing and God is able to do exceedingly great things as we 1970 babies join forces with you all as we embark and take online ministry by leaps and bounds and then some more in Jesus name!!! 🙌🙏🙌This Word that God used you to share was truly an on time Word and just what I needed as a woman of God in ministry in the church as well as ministry outside of the four walls of the church in the marketplace as an entrepreneur in Jesus name!!! ♥️❤I am so excited that I can hardly contain myself!!! 🥰💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿My sister in Christ keep bringing it in Jesus name!!!🤗The Best is yet to come for us in online ministry in so many areas in Jesus name!!!🙌🙏🙌💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿
A 40 minute podcast took me 90 minutes to listen to. Angelica really broke down the “New Mission Field”. I found myself pausing to take notes and rewind to let the information truly sink in. Four Great reasons why it’s time for Women to create “Online Dwelling Places” for Kingdom purpose. All I know to say is, Thank you Father for interrupting my life to introduce me to All things Angelica Duncan.
Thank You! I’ve had in my belly a hunger and desire to reach out to Women in greater way. I’ve asked God how and on several occasions I’ve been prompted to follow you. I got busy and life happens, I missed out on the Proverbs 31 Woman but, I’m here now. My Lord, the things I’ve seen in traditional church. The platforms available now can help us get it right! My my, so many creative and witty inventions at our disposal. Lord, show me how. Lead the way guide me into what I’m born to do. Finding out what’s in my Spiritial DNA!
This was great! Thank you for the inspiration! ❤️
I know I’m not perfect and I know I might have backslide a little bit but I’m ready to start my destiny and work in my calling I want to help young battered women heal
WHOOHOO!! I’m looking forward to you joining us, Monique.
You’ve got this. God’s got you!
Lissseeennnnn…this episode was so good and what I have discerned over the last few years. Nothing will ever be the same and it’s our time to start our ministry because people need what we have! The harvest is ready 🔥
Amen! 💕
The 7 mountains was an eye opener for me. I appreciate you understanding the season we are in right now. It is CLEAR to me that you’ve spent a lot of time getting clear on your own business. I am grateful for you. Women truly run the world, starting with the home.
So glad the episode blessed you, SisterFriend!
I loved everything about this episode. It was informative, practical and full of fire. All necessary attributes for the world we are in. COVID changed the game and it’s time for ministries to adjust to and embrace the new norm. This is only the beginning.
This IS only the beginning! And we are the women to make changes. Let’s link arms, Nina, and change the world!
This was so good! Yes, I definitely felt the shift with Corona, and even though I have gained some skills to help me in what I feel God has put in my heart, I have been stagnant in some of the most important parts. Listening to this podcast just really confirmed this is my time and I am in the right place to start reaching the people that God has waiting for me in my area of influence. I’m truly glad to have connected with you Angelica and I look forward to what you will help me accomplish in your bootcamp and inner circle!
I never thought about an online ministry but I’m interested and the bootcamp will definitely help me understand my
calling to more than those in the four walls of the church.
God has a plan for you, Iris. I pray the Bootcamp will help you see that, and take steps to start your online ministry.
My God! This is a powerful message! God is pouring out NEW wine for the NEW wine skins He’s given to us Queens, Daughters of the King! We are being called to lead the charge in influencing the world for Christ and to leave an imprint on the hearts and minds of people for God’s glory😇🙏🏾
Queen Angelica is a prophetic and apostolic voice for this supernatural shift!
Let’s go!💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿
Let’s go!💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿
WOW, I’m of that group that doesn’t fit in ways and traditions of the age group I am. Thank you for validating my being. So often I’ve felt guilty for feeling out of place. It’s ok, yes even necessary, to be and to do different.
As a senior who transitioned from black/white TV with wires and antennas, circular dial princess phones and sitting on wooden pews in service to now being able to hold a phone with a screen in my hands and attend service, I am blessed and welcome the next innovation! We need the fire of discontent in the status quo of our visionaries to open pathways that the passive may never consider. Thank you for this platform and the gift of Wisdom you have embraced in this new mission space. Sharing this message!!!
My pleasure, Carrie!
I’m listening to this blog prior to the Masterclass on Saturday November 19,2022.
I’m excited and I’ve prayed for a revival and the fact that it’s coming through the internet is awesome. I looking forward to learning, what’s possibly next for me as a ministering entrepreneur.