So here we are near the end of 2021!
Are you wondering what happened to all the zeal, enthusiasm, and hype from the beginning of the year?
Or even…what happened to your goals?
In today’s episode, we’re uncovering why your goals may have fallen flat this year and what you can do about it.
Because, here’s the deal, it’s one thing to acknowledge that you maybe didn’t hit your goals for this year. It’s another thing to figure out what you can do about it.
That’s what today’s episode is all about.
See the full show notes + transcripts with links to everything I mentioned in this episode here:
Are you looking around wondering where has the year gone and not a single goal achieved to show for it?
Did you start off the year like American Pharoh in the Kentucky Derby only to fizzle out long before you reached the finish line?
Or perhaps you knocked out some goals and were #winning and then something crept up inside of you that has you looking like a deer in headlights now…
…if so then you need to grab my FREE Kingdom Woman’s Year-In-Review Guidebook
In it, you will get instant access to my personal, proprietary method of prepping for your best year ever.
Get your copy of my free guidebook by heading over to
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- Go ahead a hit that follow button so you’ll be in the know at the very moment new episodes of the Angelica Duncan show are released
- If you hear something that’s shareable or you know the perfect person who needs to hear that message or tip that I or one of my guests give. Then, please DO share it with them. God could be using you as a catalyst for change in their lives.
- Head on over to There you can grab some spirit-building and ministry-building resources that I pinky-promise will serve you well.
I’m so delighted and honored you’re here with me!
Remember this…
…there’s only one way to live a spirit-filled life and build a Spirit-filled ministry and that’s to dance with the King Christ Jesus!
Will you please be my coach because I need to lose 100lb by Dec 31 2021
What an honor! I’m not a weight loss coach, so I don’t think I can help you in this arena, however, my Year-In-Review Guidebook, might just be the best next step for you! You can check it out here:
Thank you so much for this podcast and for always being obedient to GOD. This is on-time and definitely describes when I’m at right now in my life journey…spinning around in circles, trying to find some direction; just really busy but not seeing very much productivity. I am so tired of starting things that I never seem to focus on finishing, only to repeat that cycle when I feel as though there is something new I desire to accomplish.
Thanks again.
I’m glad you found this at the right time! Be sure to grab your copy of my Year-In-Review Guidebook. I be it’ll be the perfect next step for you!
My desire is to get deeper into the Word, so I can grow deeper in my ministry. I am just amazed by Angelica Duncan’s heart for empowering other women in their ministry. I’ve completed her Advent and P31 study. I’m grateful for this idea that maybe I set the wrong goal which may be the reason why sections of my goals have fallen flat. Goals that are too vague or too lofty.Bring in the realism.I’m looking so forward to this annual planning retreat so much.
Brilliant ideas.
Being intentional in what I’d like to achieve.
Great reflection! Be sure to snag your copy of my Year-In-Review Guidebook. It’ll help prepare your heart, soul, and spirit for 2022!
Yes! I’m the “Quick Starter”, type A+ personality…😔. But, I’m trying something NEW with my goals this year; To keep them written out {and updated} on my bedroom wall, so that I see them first thing in the morning and just before bed! I PRAY this works, lol.
Great idea, Dr AJ! Keep me posted on how well it works –because I KNOW it will work well!
Oh, I do start off with fire and lightning bolts! Then mid year life and surgery and family issues became a complete distraction! I met some goals last year, but this year I want to be in passionate pursuit of the goals and work God has for me! Thank you so much for the inspiration!
I’m so glad it blessed you, Kristen. God has BIG plans for your life this year!
Angelica you are truly what I needed. I took a chance on registering for the boot camp and I have to say that this episode was all about me. I am so A type I think I can be the mascot. I have started straight out of the gate with pure fire on many projects and fizzled out because I lost interest. Now You know I am stumped with deciding which Goal is my 1 Goal, like seriously??? well I will pray about it.
A-Typers unite! 🙌🏾 💕
I don’t always set new goals for each year. This is about to change! You have truly inspired me! There are several goals that I would love to set, but I want them to be God-inspired. Heading to my prayer closet!!
God puts those desires into your heart, SisterFriend. Don’t ignore them!
Such wisdom I get from your podcast! Each one is filled with awesome nuggets! Thank you for pouring into us!
Thank you, Challis! So glad it blessed you!
Admittedly before attending our Goal-digging session within the Kingdom Influencer’s Inner Circle, goals not only fell flat, but they were pretty much non-existent. I realized goals in my head and heart were never stepped out into plans with strategy towards making them happen. However, that pattern has been interrupted and thanks to new found tools and strategies. I’m making more strides and prorgress than ever before. Proudly a goal-getter now.
This makes my day! Thanks for sharing that, Kimerie!
So I my take away was the #2 and the importance of right support structures! I have focused more on being a structure for others than having my own…result depletion.
Admitting it is half the battle, Pamela. Now that you know how important it is, it’s time to build your support structure!
Thank you, this was reminder in setting SMART goals
My pleasure, Valerie.
Episode 33 is full of gems! Not only does Angelica point out specific reasons why our goals fall flat, but she also provides a free guide book that helps you reflect on the previous year. I love how straightforward, yet gentle she is when communicating to her audience. My biggest take away is that I often start strong, but fail to evaluate my goals throughout the year. Listen to this episode and get the year in review book if you need to reflect and set realistic, attainable goals. You won’t regret it!!!
I’m so glad the episode blessed you, Shanice! Remember, it’s a sprint, not a race.
So much good stuff packed into a half hour! Thank you.
I think Bridget Higgenbotham is my soul sister because I feel her comment so deeply in my soul too! I spin in circles, doing a lot, yet fizzle out and get bored. Lately I can’t seem to see the path ahead with any clarity so I’m excited to get working on the Year-In-Review workbook. Thank you Angelica!
My pleasure, Lynda. And keep me posted on how things go for you this year!
Totally hits the mark for me regarding goals not achieved and I will definitely check out more of the podcast!
I”m so glad to hear that, LaQuida!
Awesome awesome awesome information about why our goals fall flat. I’m grateful for all that you do to build up women and the kingdom of God. This was a great episode (as all of them are). Angelica, you are truly gifted and blessed.
Thank you, Kristina!
Thank you for putting your time into seeking all these women out who need God and each other. I have enjoyed you for the last 3-4 yrs and have done many of your Bible studies.
My pleasure, Valerie! I’m so glad you’re part of our community.
Thank you for re-energizing me to go forward in fulfilling my destiny. Your words are so encouraging.
My pleasure, Denise. 💕
I am so excited for this retreat i am looking forward to learning goal setting and growing closer to God.
I’m excited, too! It’s gonna be GOOD!
Listen, I was only partially on track. This helped tremendously! It confirmed a few things that I was thinking as well as what I was missing. I’m more optimistic now than I was prior to listening to this segment. I am going to begin identifying my coach and fans. Thank you Angelica!!
My pleasure, Shaunette! I can’t wait to hear where God takes you this year!
Thank you for sharing. “Isolation with goal setting is counterproductive,” this really resonated with me and had my name written all over it. The analogy you gave of individual athletes having a coach and fans helped me to see this from a different perspective. Having them and being open and willing to tap into them are two different stories. This is definitely something I will be more mindful of this year. Blessings.
I’m so glad it blessed you, Telanna! You’re right, having them and being open and willing to tap into them ARE two different stories.
I have never set a yearly goal plan, I just start something
and that I accomplish it which don’t always work. But
thanks to you this is going to change for 2022.
You can do this, Patriena! God is with you and cheering for you!
I appreciate your wisdom that is evident in what you are doing to empower women all over the globe.
I am so excited to be a part of the Kingdom Woman Planning Retreat 2022.
It’s transformation time for me.
Thank you.
We’re looking forward to seeing how God will grow you this year, Marjorie!
YES!! Set specific goals! Thanks for making the task of goals so clearly attainable!! Let’s do it!!
Yes, let’s do it!!
Thank you for giving me food to help me strategically move forward. I’m excited but will move with intention not like I have to finish it all today
My pleasure, Gail. And, that’s great insight: “not like I have to finish it all today.” I love that!
Isolation with goal setting is counterproductive! That was for me….but isolation will no longer be a hindrance for me. Thank you for making this point.
My pleasure, Latoye! I can’t wait to hear how God uses you this year!
Yes, this was me in 2021. I started sooooo many goals running off the adrenaline and didn’t pace myself. I call it Procrastination!! I didn’t have a structure in place which caused my dreams and goals to crumble and fall. NOT IN 2022!!
NOT in 2022! Let’s link arms, SisterFriend!
Thank you so much for this eye opening episode! I am so ready for God to show out!!
My pleasure, Raynell! 💕
Much to think about. Grabbed the Guidebook. I’ve always been taught that having visions for a business weren’t trusting God. I was taught that women are to be cheerleaders and helpers, not need them. So much wrong teaching!! Results? I am utterly alone, floundering, confused. I am beyond overwhelmed, unsure as to what my goals actually are or even my place in the Kingdom. I have very little hope left, but there is some. So… I’m here and I’ll try my best to dance. Love you.
We’re here, cheering you on, Enola. 💕
Very informative video. Cant wait to learn how to strategically set goals and review last year with the worksheets you provided. So easy to use . Cant wait for the war room experience. Thank you Angelica for setting up this wonderful retreat cant wait to start.
Looking forward to seeing how God uses you in 2022, Anna Marie!
Hello Angelica! This make total sense because sometimes we can bite off more than we can chew. It is important for me to set the specific goal and focus on executing it, This will help me to not get overwhelmed.
I have been suffering with stucknesss for like ever and I’m ready to overcome and move forward. Thank you for this I will try to take everything and put it in place.
God has big plans for you, Shuntella! 💕
I really feel stuck at setting goals. I have the same things on my vision board for two years so I am ready to make a change in my life. What i am hoping to get out of this retreat, is learning to set realistic goals.
The clarity you gave around setting proper goals…priceless. I feel like I made the goals without an end in sight.
Also, I am guilty of trying to move in isolation. It has not been successful at all. 2022 is a new year and I am going to do better.
I hope to make connections and gain knowledge so I may grow. Thank you for these pearls of wisdom!
My pleasure, SisterFriend! 💕
Awesome!!! Set realistic goals
You are so inspiring. I need support structure
💕 God has BIG plans for you this year, JD!
I really enjoyed listening to this episode. I use to always hear people say that when you pray—be specific— but never really applied that same mindset to most of my goals. I am for sure a goal-setter—can’t live without doing so. This was refreshing for me— and I totally get why being clear and specific with setting goals is so important. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom!
I’m the big picture and deep dive person. Others see that in me. The isolation of 2020 has layered a stuck that I haven’t experienced Personally. So that isolation with goal setting is counter productive hit me quick. My biggest take away is that I often start strong, but lose enthusiasm and fail to evaluate my goals throughout the year.
I’m ready to step into my Breakthrough in 2022!!
🙌🏾 💕
I so love that listening to this podcast gave me the opportunity to think about last year and simply PUT IT TO BED. I am learning to be more understanding and gentle with myself and give myself the same GRACE I would give others. Last year is Last Year! I learned from it and made it to this New Year. Last year my word was THROUGH and in 2022 it’s PUSH! PUSH forward, PUSH for more understanding, PUSH for the greatness in me, and PUSH for GOD.
This is great, Karen! Looking forward to what God has in store for you this year. Push through, SisterFriend! 💕
Just another gift from you! I have enjoyed all of the great wisdom like, goal diggers, P31, and The inner circle. You have a gift to lift and every time I need a lift I always look to your programs/podcast/email/facebook to find the one that I need to hear. God bless you for having the words to guide me.
Thank you, Julie! 💕
Angelica I ran across one of your FACEBOOK lives talking about joining you in your Annual Planning Retreat. Setting goals have always been a challenge for me and I didn’t really know what it was all about but I felt my spirit tugging at me to sign up.I have procrastinated for years on accomplishing goals or getting overwhelmed with how to start what I feel the Lord has called me to do. But after signing up for the Retreat and war room because I knew I was not going to be available for all of Saturdays sessions but after attending all of Sundays sessions I am soo excited for really feeling like I will get started in truly getting more clarity and walking in my purpose and building an online community of sisters. I thank God for allowing me to find your live and get that fresh wind that I needed.
🙌🏾 💕
I’m working on not be a procrastinator, even now, I’ve not been able to log on to listen in the conference, but reading all the comments from these awesome ladies has given me a push. I need to learn how to self care more and prioritize MYSELF! You all are amazing.
“Did you start off the year like American Pharoh in the Kentucky Derby only to fizzle out long before you reached the finish line?”
Story of my life Angelica!!!!
Thank you soooooo much for your heart to serve us!
I got the guide book and started it. It’s making me think HARD and dig DEEP, so I haven’t finished yet.